
Trail sends notifications/reminders in certain occasions to Trail users emails. This instruction goes through current notifications and how users can receive them.


Late reservations

  • Trail sends notification if reservation is late and items have not been returned on time. 
  • Notification will be sent to the user's email daily around 13:00 (Finnish time).
  • This possibility can be turned on and off from Trail’s general settings.

Reservation acceptance

  • This notification possibility can be turned on and off from Trail’s general settings.
  • Each reservation created by a user with 'reader' rights is required to be accepted by a user with 'editor' access rights. 
  • Email notifications will be sent to responsible user right after reservation was created.

Reservation’s sales module

  • Separate functionality in Trail.
  • Trail sends notification when an offer has been closed or invoiced.
  • Reserved by user will get notification right away.


Defect report

  • Trail sends notification to defect report’s ’Assigned to’ user, users who have been added to item’s department and location information and to item’s own responsible user, when defect report has been created.
  • If the "Assigned to" is removed or changed, the removed person will be notified that they are no longer the "Assigned to" that maintenance.
  • If the schedule of defect report will be changed, the users who have reserved the item, will get notification of this right away. Notification will be received if the item is in a state of ”planned” or ”read out”.
  • Defect report notifications will be received right away.

Scheduled maintenance

  • If scheduled maintenance has not been started on time, Trail sends notification to the item's responsible user and to user’s added to item’s department and location information.
  • Reminder notification will be sent daily around 13:00 (Finnish time).


  • If the ’alert threshold’ limit is reached, Trail sends notification to users added for its department and location information.
  • Notification will be sent daily around 13:00 (Finnish time).
  • Consumables that have not been added to any department or location, will not be included to alert threshold limit.

Item’s expired lifespan

  • Trail sends notification when an item's lifespan has been passed.
  • Notification will be sent around 13:00 (Finnish time).
  • Notification will be sent to item’s responsible user, and users added to item’s department and location information.


  • Notification will be received when transport has been started and marked to be ended.
  • Users added to transport’s ’On behalf of’ field will receive notification right away.


  • If the project's state or resources' state changed, Trail sends notification to producer and recoursers.
  • Notification will be sent right away.
  • This is a hidden setting that can be added, if the organization is using Projects -module.

Notifications to phone

  • User can receive notification of late reservation to their phone
  • This requires that user has installed Trail app to their phone and has logged in.
  • This setting can be turned on and off for each user separate on their own Trail user profile.

Notifications sent based on the department or location

  1. There are multiple ways to define who will get notification in Trail. Notification can be sent to  assigned to -users, responsible users, but also if user's email has been added to item's department or location information.
  2. Open Admin - 'Department' or 'Locations' view.
  3. Open 'Edit' view.
  4. Type user's or users email addresses to notification emails.
    1. Receives all: Users will get all the notifications mentioned above that are part of that department or location. 
    2. Late reservations: Users will receive notifications for all late reservations that are part of that department or location.
    3. Overdue maintenances: Users will receive notifications for all the items where scheduled maintenance has not bee started on time and are part of that department or location.
  5. You can separate emails with space, row, comma and semicolon.
  6. Remember to save change.