Creating subreservation
Subreservations are normally used for big projects/shows, where you need to be able to connect different reservations. Subreservation functionality can be turned on from Trail's general settings.
(All subreservations will be seen in main reservations' view, under: Subreservations)
Create main reservation
1. Open Reservations -module.
2. Click New reservation.
3. Fill in general information: Title, location (where reservation takes place in. Not mandatory), start date, end date, description.
4. Click Subreservations in use.
5. Click Create.
6. Main reservation's page opens.
Create subreservations
1. Click Add subreservations.
2. Add general information: Title, location (where reservation takes place in. Not mandatory), start date, end date, description.
3. Click Create and add items.
4. From model list, select how many items from each model you will need.
5. Click Save or Add and continue.
6. Models and amounts will be seen in section: Reservations.
7. You can also add consumables or reservation sets if needed.
8. When reservation starts, scan the item to Read barcode field.
9. When reservation ends, return items by scanning them again using the 'Read barcode' -field.