Transfer items to a reservation

This is an additional feature that is not enabled by default. If you are interested in adding this to your environment, please contact our Support at 

This feature comes in handy when you have a set of items read on a reservation and you would like to use the same item or some of the items on your new reservation. Using the transfer feature, you don't need to scan the items individually. 
Depending on your organization's environment, you might have less functions visible than in the example pictures.

More detailed instructions can also be found in our blog

Transfer items to a reservation

1. Go to the reservation page from which you want to transfer items

2. Select the items from the tick boxes 

3. Click 'Transfer to reservation'.

4. Search for the reservation you want to transfer the item or items to and click 'Add'

5. Trail will automatically return the items on the original reservation and read the item out to the new reservation