Trail homepage

Trail homepage

Once logged in, you will be taken to the Trail homepage.


In the bar at the top of the page, you can see the different modules that allow you to view and maintain information related to the activity in question. The modules displayed are determined by the access rights granted to you and the functions defined by the administrator.  

On the right side of the top bar, you will see the name/username of the logged-in user, a 'My Profile' button for editing user information, and a 'Logout' button.

Updating your password: 

If you are logging in for the first time and have received a login password in your email, please update it for security reasons. You can update your password from a 'My profile' function. Remember to then click on 'Save' to activate your new password.


The home page is personalized. You can add different main functions and views to your homepage that are useful to you in relation to your Trail usage. If your homepage does not already display widgets, you can add them by clicking on 'Add default widgets'.