Creating new item (mobile)

It is possible to create new items in mobile. This feature exists in iOS version of the mobile app. To create an item, user must have Editor -rights to Items -module. The model of the item needs to be found beforehand from Trail.

1. Open the app

2. Open Menu - Items

3. Click + -sign from upper right corner

4. Fill in the information

  • Model: Mandatory information. Model listing includes those models, that have been used previously in Trail. The category is selected automatically.
  • Department: Select correct department from the list. List includes those departments, that have been connected to this model. Users who have access to this item, will be able to see its item card.
  • Date information: Click 'Press to add date' to select the date. Trail offers current date. If you want to change it, click on the date and select the correct one from calendar view.
  • Responsible: If you have the field and want to add responsible user, please add it in browser after creating the item.

5. Click 'Save' from upper right corner.

6. The new item will be shown on top of the item list.