How does free text search work?

Trail's search engine works the same way in all free text searches.Here are some general good to know functions related to these searches.

1. All searches must be at least three letters long for Trail to suggest results.-  For example "fi" will show no results even if there are items with those letters.

2. The search engine looks for exact matches.- For example "first aid lit" instead of "first aid kit" will bring zero results.

3. To have multiple searches, put OR in between.- For example "Fire truck" brings up fire trucks, but "Fire OR truck" brings up fire extinguishers and truck wheels as well as fire trucks.- This can be used to string together multiple single item searches to make a list of specific items in trail.  For example "I123 OR I234" will give you a list with item 1 and item 2 in it.

4. The "-" sign removes the next word from results. It always acts as a minus instead of hyphen.- For example "vehicle -car" gives all vehicles, except cars. Also "Wind-powered" removes powered from results and gives results for wind.