Editing the item's location

Editing the item's location in a browser:

  • You can set the location for any item, which is an individual item. The item can be located either in equipment (i.e., another item) or in a location (e.g., stage).
Location in an equipment

Location in a location

Edit location

  • Open the "Edit item" view either from the item's own page using the "Edit" button or directly from the "Edit" icon in the item list.

  • Choose whether the item's location is equipment or a location.
  • To add the item's location within equipment (i.e., as a child item, you can either enter the item-specific identifier (e.g., I123456) or scan the parent item's identifier using a barcode scanner.
  • To add the item's location within a location (i.e., a storage), you can either enter the location's name or identifier or select a location from a dropdown menu.
In equipment: Write parent's item id to the field
In location: Write the location ID or press "Select" and select the location from the drop-down menu

Editing the location of multiple items at once:

  • Go to the item list
  • Select items that you want to edit
  • Click on the "Edit" icon in the item list.
  • Choose whether the item's location is equipment or a location.
  • Click save when you have changed the location

Editing the item's location in the mobile app:

  • Read the item's barcode with the Trail app.
  • Once the item's page opens, read the barcode of the location or another item.
  • Confirm the change in location.
  • Alternatively, read the item's barcode with the app, press the "Edit location" button, and enter the new location information.

Please note that these instructions provide guidance on how to edit an item's location within the Trail system, either through a web browser or the mobile app.