Locations view allows to create, edit and delete location options. Location can be for example building, room, or more specific area on a shelf.
Location overview shows a tree structure in the nested format where you can see locations and sub-locations or as a list format where you can see more detailed information. Only admin users can manage and create locations. If you require a new location and do not have admin permissions, you will need to contact one within your organisation.
Location page
1. Open Admin - Locations
2. Click the name of the location
You can:
- Edit location's information
- Delete location
- Print label for location (If you need location label, but there is no label template for it yet, you can ask for one from support@trail.fi)
- Export a list of items or stock and consumable models to Excel
Adding a location
1. Open Admin - Locations
2. Click New location
3. Add at least location name. You can also fill in the rest of the information fields.
- Code - Unique code used for the location.
- Name - Location name. Mandatory.
- Parent - If you select location, this new location will be created as sublocation under it.
- Hidden - Location will be hidden from options for example when user changes items location or when creating new item.
- Location type - General type is 'Location'.
- Notifications - Explained: Notifications.
- GPS Coordinates - Input your locations GPS Coordinates (Latitude & Longitude). This will be shown in location's own view.
- Add user - Possibility to add user to receive all the notification emails regarding location
- Description - You can add needed information that do not have their own information field.
4. Click Create. New location has been created.
You can also create sublocations by clicking plus -icon on parent location. In this, the parent location has automatically been filled in new location form.
You can edit existing locations by clicking on their Edit -icon. Remember to Save the change after the change.
Print location
Print label for location (If you need location label, but there is no label template for it yet, you can ask for one from support@trail.fi)
Delete location
You can delete location by clicking on the trash can -icon. If location has items in it, their location will still shown to be the deleted location.