Closing a defect report

In order to close an open maintenance, you need to have writing rights to the Maintenance -module.

Open defect reports can be either closed on the Maintenance -module Maintenance work -list or on the item page

Closing a defect report on browser

On item page

  1. Go to the item page
  2. Click the blue Accept -button
  3. Click Close to close the defect report

On Maintenance work -list

  1. Open the Maintenance work -list under Maintenance -module.
  2. If needed, search for the defect you wish to close
  3. Click Accept on the right hand side of the list
  4. If you wish to fill in extra information, or look at the details of the defect report, click the summary of the defect
  5. To close the maintenance, click Close
  6. Fill in the information regarding closing the maintenance
  7. The defect report is now closed and will appear closed on the list and the item page.