Editing your profile
All users are able to customise certain aspects of the Trail interface. This can be done from 'My profile'.
Editing your profile
1. Click 'My Profile, located in the top right-hand corner of the menu bar.
2. The following pop-up window will open. From this view, you can edit:
- Personal information - Edit for example your profile name and your phone number (this information will appear in the details of any reservations you create or added to)
- System information - Change language, the number of search results that are displayed per page, the visual size of notifications and whether they remain visible at the top of the screen once received.
- Change password - The letters are automatically hidden in the password fields for security reasons. If you are using SSO (see Logging in), this is the password you will use for signing into the mobile app.
- Item list columns - Select which columns will be shown in item list view.
- Widgets - The boxes displayed on the homepage are called widgets. Select the widgets you want to appear on your homepage.
3. Click 'Save' to activate the changes.