User groups


User groups allow you to set permissions for multiple users at once. This way you can assign users rights without having to manually modify rights individually.You can assign more privileges to an individual user than the user group's rights allow (for example, access to multiple sections or more editing privileges). However, it is not possible to assign narrower rights to a user than those of the user's group privileges.

You will find the user groups under the Admin -module

Creating a new user group / Editing an existing user group

  • Click 'Admin' located on the far right-hand side of the main menu bar, and select  'User groups' from the drop-down menu.
  • Click the 'Create a new user group' link located in the right-hand corner of the page.
  • To edit an existing user group, click on the edit icon on the right hand side 
  • Enter a name for the user group.
  • Set permissions and select the departments and group rights that the group will need access to. The group rights options may differ from the example picture below. 
  •   Click 'Create' located in the bottom left-hand corner of the page.
  • After this, when adding users to Trail, you can add user to the user group and user will get the department and user rights from the user group.

You will find the explanations for the rights from the article User rights explained